My husband took some pretty cool pictures at the reception, some of which could even be labeled "artsy." :) Here's my favorite:

Other thoughts from the weekend....
- Before we left, I thought gas prices in Minnesota were awful. Then, we went to Wisconsin, where it's at least 30 cents more per gallon. Nothing like traveling to Wisconsin to make gas in Minnesota feel cheap, even at over $3 a gallon.
- We drove through a lot of Wisconsin farmland, which I think is quite beautiful. We had a fun time picking out different animals we saw as we drove--cows, horses, llamas, elk, buffalo, turkeys, chickens, goats, sheep, donkeys, deer, and geese. The more we saw, the more I thought, "You know, maybe it would be fun to own a farm. It could be relaxing, I'd be outside a lot, we'd be more self-sufficient than we are now, I could own cool things like goats, horses, and chickens..." Wait, what? I'm the girl who hates watering plants and who has managed to kill almost every plant I've ever owned. I think driving through Wisconsin farmland must make me suffer from the same delusions that Bing Crosby's character did in the movie Holiday Inn.
- And finally, on Monday, we went on the annual Memorial Day Fishing Expedition. I'm not a gung-ho fisherperson, but I like the lures (they're cool colors and they sparkle...I wouldn't last 2 seconds as a fish) and being out on the lake is fun. I caught zero fish. /sigh
Hey, glad you guys had fun!
Trust me Tera, when the cows get out and interupt your wow raids, you wont like the farm much!!
Cool picture btw, I love available light shooting + slow shutter speeds you get really cool effects. If you ever get the chance try it while driving at night or through tunnels!
Thanks Jack! I'll pass on the compliment :)
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