Short notes on movies I've seen recently:
The Illusionist isn't bad. It does a good job of building up to a climax, the magic tricks are cool, and the acting seems pretty good. The biggest problem with this movie is that it was released around the same time as
The Prestige, another magic movie that I really enjoyed.
The Prestige explained how all the tricks were done; in
The Illusionist, most of the tricks you see Edward Norton's character perform are simply left unexplained. And even though I could see the ending of the movie coming, the details of how we got to the ending weren't explained either, which was frustrating to me. Oh, and the accents were weird. Apparently, everyone's idea of an Austrian accent is something completely different.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
Well, I'm not really sure what to say about
Sin City. I loved the way that it was filmed--I thought it was
really cool, and I was impressed by how the movie took a lot of comic book clichés and made them new and exciting by putting them onto film. Some of the casting choices were cool, too--Elijah Wood is cast as an incredibly creepy villain, which goes against all your ideas of him as a hobbit and the All-Star shoes he wears in the film. /shudder. But the thing is, it was really violent. And I wasn't really expecting that. I mean, I knew it was dark, but I guess I wasn't expecting the unrelenting stream of very horrible images that assailed me. Maybe I'm just a baby, but I couldn't handle it--I ended up turning off the movie about halfway through.
Rating: 3 stars out of 5
Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite movies, and one of my favorite overall love stories (see
here). Honestly, I'm not normally a Keira Knightley fan (sorry, K.)--I get distracted by her teeth, which I think are pointy and make her look like a vampire. But she does a fantastic job as Elizabeth Bennet, as does Matthew MacFayden as Mr. Darcy, and I'm impressed by their chemistry. But the thing that really makes the movie stunning is the cinematography and the soundtrack. The sweeping shots of the English countryside give the story a drama and seriousness that adds to the passion between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy. And best of all, the story is true to the novel, and manages to capture the wonderful sense of humor that Jane Austen brings to her novels.
Rating: 5 stars out of 5
My husband and his brothers are huge fans of the movie
Supertroopers. And so we've checked out all the other movies done by this comedy group (Broken Lizard), which include their first movie
Puddle Cruiser and
Club Dread.
Puddle Cruiser was rough around the edges, but the talents of Broken Lizard showed through well;
Club Dread was just pretty bad across the board.
Beerfest is the latest movie put out by this group, and it ranks right up there with
Supertroopers. I'm not sure it has the potential for quoting lines that
Supertroopers does, but it's very funny, especially when you've been drinking. And the "German" guys are
hilarious, no question about it. I think they stole the show.
Rating: 4 stars out of 5
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