What did they do? Well, the recipe has you make your angel food cake and your whipped cream from scratch. What does it take to make angel food cake from scratch? 12 egg whites, for one thing. And then beating them until they're nice and fluffy.
To heck with that. I bought a box mix, a container of Cool Whip, and everything turned out deliciously. And making the cake took about 10 seconds (just add water) instead of a half and hour.
I think it might have something to do with the fact that pie crust is supposed to be hard to make, and there's a certain amount of baking prestige attached to making your own pies. And, the pie crust recipe I use lets me make the crusts in advance, then put them in the freezer until I need them. So I don't have to spend all the time making crust and pie at once.
I'm still not sure, though. Maybe I'll have to do some taste-testing. Now that would be a shame :)
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