Monday, October 29, 2007

I Am the Law-Giver!

I'm not a truck person. I don't like SUVs, I will never buy a minivan, and to be quite honest, I think most suburban Americans need to get over themselves and stop thinking they "need" a 19 mpg, 6 passenger vehicle to commute 1 person 5 miles to work.

I also hate most commercials for SUVs and trucks. I'm tired of hearing about towing capacity, and nothing pisses me off more than seeing one of these stupid vehicles driving off-road, destroying some natural habitat for the sake of a pleasure drive. The commercials that equate patriotism with driving a truck or SUV are almost as bad, and make me actively plan to not buy a truck. Ever.

That said, I saw a commercial for a Toyota Tacoma while watching the Tampa Bay/Jacksonville game on Sunday that almost made me want to buy a truck. It's a completely ridiculous ad, but so unexpected and different from anything that's out there, that it's totally awesome. Here it is:

Honestly, while it's a little irritating that Blizzard sold out to Toyota like that, the way that the commercial plays on the inside jokes of the game (guys who play night elf female characters, the whole Leeroy Jenkins meme, etc.) is pretty clever. It caught me completely off-guard, and as a result, I've paid more attention to this ad than any other car ad for a long time. Of course, I'm in the correct demographic, as I play the game, but still, advertisers should take this ad to heart: unexpected ads get attention.

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