Monday, February 26, 2007

Oscar fashion!

Well, I've always sort of wanted to be a fashion critic--not that I have any qualifications to do so, mind you--and since I have my own blog, I can be :) Be warned--my comments are not going to be based on any sort of fashion knowledge, but rather, where or not I liked the dress...

I really liked Reese Witherspoon's deep purple dress, and I think her long, straight hair and the diagonal, layered hemline was a great way of creating a sleek, elegant look.

I loved Penelope Cruz's dress--what an amazing skirt, and she has the long lines to be able to wear it and not look like she's going to fall over. Her dark complexion was enhanced by the subtle tones of the dress, rather than having it wash her out and make her look pale (like Kirsten Dunst's dress did). And Helen Mirren, in addition to being extremely beautiful, was wearing a completely elegant dress that is appropriate to someone playing the Queen of England. The neckline, in particular, has subtle edges, which draws attention to her figure in an understated way.

My biggest praise, however, goes to Abigail Breslin, who wore the dress of a 10-year-old, rather than trying to dress as a glamorous Hollywood starlet. Abigail, good for you--have fun being 10. Besides, what isn't fun about wearing a pink princess dress?

As far as the dresses I didn't like....

I know that the initial commentary on the fashion at the Oscars is praising the women for their bold color choices, rather than going with dresses that were the traditionally elegant black. And yes, it is nice to see colorful dresses. But I think that color can just as easily backfire on you, particularly when it's a color that has specific associations.

For example, take Nicole Kidman's dress. Now, I realize that a lot of critics think her dress is great and she looked wonderful, but I can't help thinking that she looks like a strangely wrapped Christmas gift. In my opinion, if she had gone with a darker color and foregone the big shoulder bow, this dress would have been a wonderful look for her, enhancing her long lines and slim figure. As it is, I get too caught up in the red to think about the actress who is actually wearing the dress.

I also didn't like Jessica Biel's dress--it does nothing to flatter her figure, what with the high neckline and strange, high belt. I'm also not a huge fan of the color, although she can pull it off, and I think her hair looks weird. Yes, I know that's not a technical fashion term, but it's the best I could come up with.

But regardless of whether I liked them or not, when I see dresses like this, I think how it might be fun to be famous, just so that I could wear a gown that I think is fabulous, even if others think it's not.

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