First up, Accepted--
Yes, this is a dumb movie. And the ending is completely implausible. But overall, it was a lot of fun, and it was a lot funnier than it could have been. In fact, it was a lot funnier than most of these "coming-of-age" teenage films. And it didn't rely on a lot of sex for its appeal, either. Yes, there is a funny scene with a guy in a hot dog costume yelling "Ask me about my weiner!" which still cracks me up, but that's hardly sex. I guess I was just pleasantly surprised how unlike American Pie this was.
One thing that did disappoint me a little was Lewis Black, who plays the dean of the fake university. I thought he was going to be acting, and I was interested in seeing how he did. Well, he didn't act--his character was himself, just with a different name. Don't get me wrong; I think Lewis Black is freaking hilarious, and he has some wonderful things to say about the state of Wisconsin. But I was interested to see him act, which he didn't do.
Well, this movie was cute and fun mostly because of the clothes, and the thought that "wow, it would be awesome to have that job." Meryl Streep's character was great--I don't think she deserves the Oscar, but I really enjoyed her character and think she did a good job with it.
Anne Hathaway's character, however, REALLY pissed me off. Her boyfriend's assessment of her was totally correct; she kept whining about how she was stuck in this job and didn't have a choice, but she needed to own up to the fact that she did have a choice, and had chosen to do the job. I guess what frustrated me the most was the implication that she couldn't do the job well and stay true to herself. I don't think there would have been anything wrong with her telling her boyfriend "I really enjoy doing this tough job well," wearing fashionable clothes to work, and working her ass off, while at the same time, continuing to eat grilled cheese, wearing jeans at home, and fine-tuning her journalism skills. And I was completely irritated that she went from a 6 to a 4--what the HELL kind of message does that send to young girls watching that? That in order to be fashionable, you have to lose weight, even if you're not fat to begin with? For a movie, especially one that supposedly pokes fun at the fashion industry, that's a lousy message to send.
In spite of her character, however, it was a fun movie...and I really loved the Harry Potter scene :)
Last up....Little Miss Sunshine...
I'm not going to say a lot about this movie, except that I really enjoyed it, and I think you all should see it if you hadn't already. Greg Kinnear does a fabulous job, and brings humanity to a character that you really would want to smack upside the head if it weren't for Kinnear's performance. I did find it a little difficult to think of Steve Carrell as someone other than Michael Scott from The Office (speaking of which, Pam and Roy broke up! Woot!), but his character cracked me up. And I loved the relationship between the grandfather and Olive; it definitely had the potential to be weird, but it ended up just being very sweet and poignant. And at the end, hilarious.
And even though Jennifer Hudson will probably get it, I would really like to see Abigail Breslin win the Oscar.
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