Friday, May 25, 2007

My letter to President Bush

I will be out of town this weekend, and not able to post every day, so I thought I'd put up a post that I thought deserved more than just one day in the #1 spot.

As I mentioned before, after reading Al Franken's book Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them, I was pretty angry. So angry, in fact, that I wrote a letter to President Bush. I know the odds of anything happening because of it are slim, but I figure that he won't know how outraged people are at his behavior unless we tell him.

And I have to say, writing the letter was pretty cathartic. I'm kind of interested to see how Bush will respond, if he responds at all. I'll definitely let you know if I hear anything back.

If you get angry at my letter, I'd encourage you to voice your opinions--all I'd ask is that you keep your comments on the level of policy, as I tried to do in my letter. Comments that involve name-calling or foul language will be deleted.

Here's the letter:

Dear President Bush,

My name is_______________. I am a 26-year-old graduate student and teacher, and for the last six and a half years, I have watched as you've taken an economically strong, well-respected country and turned us into a pariah with a shaky fiscal future. I would like to take this letter as an opportunity to explain several of the reasons that your actions anger me and why that needs to change.

I am angry because your irresponsible financial policies show no thought for the future. Your deficit spending and tax cuts for people who have more money than they know what to do with are not only a useless way of encouraging economic growth, but they are also creating an enormous national debt that will seriously affect me and others in my generation in areas such as foreign trade and Social Security. You are undermining the future of the country you claim to love.

I am angry that you lied to the American public about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. According to the latest casualty count, as reported by
The Guardian on May 13, 2007, 3391 people in the US military have died because of this war based on your lies. This is unacceptable.

I am angry because of the way you mishandled counterterrorism efforts. You ignored Richard Clarke's recommendations before 9/11--recommendations that could have prevented this tragedy. When you're searching for the cause of the World Trade Center disaster, Mr. President, you need look no further than yourself.

I am angry because of the way you desecrate the environment. Mr. President, I share your faith in Jesus Christ. I believe God gave us this world as a gift that we need to care for, not exploit. Genesis 2:15 says that God gave Adam the Garden of Eden "to work it and take care of it" (NIV). You are not doing a good job of taking care of the earth God gave us. By pulling out of the Kyoto Treaty, and by making the Clean Air and Water Acts less strict, you are encouraging big businesses to treat our natural resources as their own private property. Your responsibility to the American public, and to God, is to protect the natural resources we have, and you are not fulfilling that responsibility.

I am angry because of the disingenuous ways you treat the American family. You act as is life is the most sacred thing, yet by cutting funding for education and by refusing to reform the health care system, you deny many children the chance at a decent life once they are born. You claim that the family is the foundation of our country, but by cutting welfare and other support programs, you force many parents to choose between earning money and spending time with their families. Mr. President, your policies are not protecting the American family--they are destroying it.

I am not the only one who is angry. An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll from the end of April shows that only 32% of the country approves of what you're doing. A
Newsweek poll from May has that number even lower--at 28%! Mr. President, over two-thirds of the country thinks that you are NOT doing your job well. This means it is time for you to change what you are doing.

And this brings me to why I am most angry--you just don't care. You show no regard for the millions and millions of people who think you should do things differently, and you continue thinking that you know what's best. You don't. According to the
Washington Post as early as June 8, 2005, nearly 75% of US citizens thought the casualties in Iraq were unacceptable. Over half felt that the war had NOT made the US safer. Yet you continued funding the war. Now, almost two years later, you're still not listening. On May 2 of this year, the House and Senate sent you a bill that would pull US troops out of Iraq, yet you ignored them and all of their constituents and vetoed that bill. This lack of accountability is simply unacceptable.

There is time to undo some of the damage you have done. In your last year and a half as president, start listening to the people of the United States. Start listening to the members of Congress. Start listening to other world leaders, such as those at the United Nations. Swallow your pride and ask for advice and help in getting out of the many messes--economic, military, and environmental, to name a few--that you have gotten this country into. To "stay the course," as you put it, will mean disaster.

Please don't send me a letter thanking me for my concern, or even worse, for my support. I don't support you. And I'm not concerned--I'm angry. I don't want to hear more rhetoric about the great things you're doing for the United States. I want to see actions that show you really mean it.

An angry citizen


jack Roach said...

Weapons of Mass Destruction and the number of deaths in Iraq:
During the Clinton years, 4,417 were killed during peace time, 1,000 more than killed during the war in Iraq so far. Where was all the outrage? In1980, which was the last year of the Carter administration, there were far more military deaths than in any year of the Bush administration thus far. The death rate was also higher because of differences in the care given the training and standards and so forth. The point here is that we're fighting the Iraq war with lower casualties than casualties expected from training accidents during peacetime. I don’t want to belittle the deaths of our service men and women, who are fighting and dying for our freedom, however the out rage that we see today is purely politically motivated on the part of the media! If it weren't we would have had the same scathing criticism of the Clintons, but you will very rarely see any criticism of those two in the main-stream media. The fact is, statistically you have a far greater chance of being shot down on the streets of Philadelphia than in Bagdad. We are fighting the most successful war in the history of the United States, and the main reason it is getting such bad PR is because the democrats and their buddies in the press are invested in its defeat.
Now on to the WMDs!
Im not sure how many people you have to kill to be considered a WMD, but I’m pretty sure the 300,000+ people murdered by Saddam Hussein would consider him a human WMD! That fact alone, warrants his removal in my opinion, but it is amazing how little americans care for the true suffering that goes on every day around this world. Also the fact he had already used WMDs against various people groups in Iraq, and surrounding countries is good reason to believe that Saddam did in fact have WMDs. Iraqi intelligence documents, confiscated by U.S. forces and obtained by, show numerous efforts by Saddam Hussein's regime to work with some of the world's most notorious terror organizations, including al Qaeda, to target Americans. They demonstrate that Saddam's government possessed mustard gas and anthrax, both considered weapons of mass destruction, in the summer of 2000, during the period in which United Nations weapons inspectors were not present in Iraq. And the papers show that Iraq trained dozens of terrorists inside its borders. Considering how long it took to actually invade Iraq (Because Bush tried to do the diplomatic route and go through the UN ... but we all know how useless that organization can be) it is feasible in my opinion to say that they actual weapons he possessed he moved out of country to his Terrorist buddies so they could be used in the future against the United States or perhaps they were destroyed during the beginning air-strikes, I dont know. However, I think it is unreasonable to ignore facts and buy into this idea that Saddam was this poor little guy just trying to take care of his people. Then mean OL’ Bush invaded him because his buddies at Haliburton wanted more oil.
Oh yes, did you know that Saddam also had an army numbering around a million, poised to invade Israel when we invaded and de-throned him? I heard this for the first time just last week, when I was speaking with a gentleman I met who lives in Jerusalem. I wonder how many thousands more he could have killed, had Clinton still been in office.

Tax reform, Economy and Polls :
My Dad is a top tier tax professional for H&R Block (Yes he has epics!!) and he has the unfortunate job of educating people about this myth of “tax cuts for the rich” that we hear so much about. The fact is 84% of all federal income taxes are payed by the top 25% of income earners. The top 50% of income earners pay 96% of all income taxes. The top 1% pay 36% of income taxes collected in this country. You cannot cut taxes for the “poor” because they don’t pay the taxes, and ! Also, unlike what they want you to believe, if you make $50,000 a year, you are “The Rich” according to the tax laws proposed by the democrats. Therefore, you cannot cut taxes at all unless you cut taxes for “the rich.”
Tax cuts are also the best way to build up the economy! If your going to punish people for advancing themselves, well then why bother? It just makes us more dependent upon the federal government, and that is exactly where the democrats want us to be!
I cant say this any better about the economy --
“If you look at the media with the economy, they jump all over Bush when the economy has slowed. They pay minimal attention to the great economic indicators today. We have an economy right now that in any other time with a Democrat president, you could go out and take a poll on the economy, and the people of this country would rate the economy good or great by a tune of 65, 70%. Mainstream media gets hold of that today, shakes their questions, shakes their sample, you get an approval number of 45% -- in a booming economy! This is just utterly irresponsible! So you can find one pointy-headed academic elitist who wants to be first in line to predict bad news, and there you, hear, "Oh, we got a guy predicting bad news. Why, he's our hero today! Let's go out and report this. Let's go out and make the central economic story the fact that there's a recession lingering in the future here." Look how they report liberal demagoguery when oil and gas prices go up. They repeat the lies about "windfall profits" when there aren't any. Barely a word, though, when prices go down as a result of supply and demand. In fact, it's even worse than that. Prices will develop 50 cents, 75 cents a gallon, no reporting on it. After that drop has taken place they'll jump up two or three cents and we'll get a story about how gas prices are rising with no reporting on how they came down -- because of supply and demand, because of the great American economy, because of capitalism. No news: zilch, zero, nada. Look how they focus on the homeless when a Republican is president. They all but disappear when a Democrat is president. There aren't any homeless. There's no homeless problem when a Democrat's in the White House.”
-- Rush Limbaugh

For this reason, Polls to me are a joke, no matter where they come from. They are always twisted to fit the ideas / agendas of the people running the poll. As far as Bushes approval numbers go, i wonder who gathered those numbers? I’ve heard recently the approval numbers for congress had dropped below that of the president! Once again though, our media is so politically driven that I dont trust any of the numbers i see reported by the main-stream media. As a friend of mine once said, “73% of all statistics are made up on the spot.” LoL
I think most polls are disingenuous at best.

This was my favorite of your points. Why you ask? Well because you quoted the Bible Naturally!! I was very pleased to see that you quoted it and applied it in context! I think it is very important to take care of what God has created for us, and we should do our best to take care of it. I do think that this idea can be taken to far, because God also created us to have dominion over the earth. He created the earth for us, not us for the earth. So while I agree we need to make sure big business isn't polluting our water and air, we also should not join the ranks of those who worship “mother earth.” Namely the Global Warming crowd ... Hah! there i said it, you knew THAT subject had to pop up at some point!!! :)
Funding for Education, Health Care and the American Family:
I’m a little less ... umm ... opinionated on this point.
I agree that something must be done as far as Education and Health care goes in this country. Im not sure that the Federal government has the answers though. Specially where education is involved. I see little bearing on Bush’s decisions and the strength of my Family. For instance, if my children are uneducated, who’s fault is that? Honestly? The teachers in the school? The Federal Government? You? My Neighbor across the street? A rice farmer somewhere in in-land China? Ok maybe thats a bit much, but seriously! I am the one who must take responsibility for my children! Their education, or lack thereof lies with me and my wife! I realize that there are many children today, well probably most children today, that dont have parents that are interested in their education. This is a tragedy! However, is the federal government the best choice for these kids? I would say no, but then who is going to step in and fill the gap? I think this is a serious social problem, but just throwing more money at it is a doubtful solution at best. If you look at our schools today, if they got more funding, where would it go? To the science lab, or to build a better library? Honestly, I think it would go to buy more shoulder pads for the football team, or some other less than educational source. Obviously, i have more questions than answers for this subject! Oh well, it makes for good conversation!
I do think there are far larger threats to the American Family, but thats another discussion altogether.
Health Care!!!
Wow, what a problem! Insurance, Law suites, price gouging Hospitals .... sigh my head hurts now, and I think i will just leave this one alone for now. All i know is that Socialized medicine has problems just as large as the ones we face today ... If only Startrek were real and problems like these could be solved with a little box with some flashing lights!

As usual I always have fun discussing things with you, Jen! Even if we differ on our views ... just a tad!!! heheh

Plugdo said...

Ooooo, we get to argue. Awesome!

Critizing the Clintons? How long did we hear about the oral sex, and the stained dress. Ugh. And seriously, Clinton had the real threat, North Korea well under control. Did I mntion he left office with a budget surplus?

WMD, you're point, while accurate, doesn't really apply. The American people were sold this war based on the fact that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, ones that were a threat to us. When those didn't materialize suddenly our reason for being there was to liberate. I'm not saying Hussein was a great guy, certainly not, but Iraq wasn't a threat to the US. We were lied to and our soldiers are dying, that's why people are upset. I support the troops, but I do not support the war. Yes, I can do both, and some people can't seem to understand that.

It's not that I don't care, but why is it our job to police the rest of the world? Why should we run around changing peoples way of life and destroying countries to bring democracy when the citizens themselves don't even want us there. Why after the UN says, no, do we say, screw the rest of the world, and go anyway?

Take all the money you are spending on the war overseas and use it to strengthen anti-terrorist efforts here at home. How about starting with making the airports safe? You'll never "kill" terrorism because it's an ideal.

Don't even get me started on Bush in the US. Nice work ignoring the warnings on Katrina and denying the existence of global warming. Good job leaving every child behind.

Oh, and of course I have a far greater chance of getting shot in Philly, it's because I have a far greater chance of actually visiting there. :)

I'm not even going to comment on Rush Limbaugh...

Rant off! Happy holidays!

Teranu said...

Wow! Even if President Bush never responds, I'm really glad you did, Jack :)

To respond to a couple of your thoughts...

My problem isn't with the job the troops are doing, but the reason we entered into the war in the first place. It seemed to me that the administration gave one reason for going into war, which later turned out to be patently untrue. I certainly don't think that Saddam Hussein is an innocent...far from it. But if a president is going to ask his country to sacrifice citizens in a war, the least he can do is be honest about why. And I don't feel that he was.

I'm also interested in your brief comment about the "global warming crowd." I take it you're not convinced that it's actually happening :) Since I think I probably fall into the "global warming crowd," I'd be interested in hearing why you're not on board.

At any rate, it's exciting to spark debate. I think regardless of which party is in power, it's important to keep a critical eye on the administration's policies to keep them honest. :)

Teranu said...

Thanks for your comments, too, Plug :) It doesn't seem fair, though...2 vs. 1 against Jack :)

jack Roach said...

Argue with you plug?!?!?! NEVER!!
Now, pleasantly discuss differences of opinion! Absolutely! :D
And its ok Tera! This is Fun! Honestly the people I see ALL the time usually agree with my view point, and thats really not very fun nor challenging! LoL
Now where to begin ....
Lets start with this, I agree with the point about policing the world and solving all the ills of our day. If people want freedom, they should rise up and fight for it like we did. That being said, when genocide is involved, I would say we would be justified in stopping actions such as these.
Now on to the Bush bold faced lied to us about WMDs.
Let me take you on a little trip back in time, back to the glorious Clinton years! (as a side note, the whole deal with him getting freaky with Monica, Im really not over concerned with that. While it does go against Biblical morals and obviously my own, I am not a perfect person, and I sin to. Therefore to say a person is totally slime because of one mistake, or 5, or 10 etc, I say who hasnt done wrong things. Last I checked the Bible says, “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Hence God sending his Son to die on the cross for all our Sins, and offering us a way to get to go to Heaven and spend all of eternity with him. If we but believe in Him. Ok! Done with that Sermon for now! End side note!)
On with the glorious Clinton years! Lets go back to 1998. Can we agree that Bush had not lied at this point in time?!?! Im going to assume you both say yes, because well its fact! :)

"If Saddam rejects peace, and we have to use force, our purpose is clear: We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." -- Bill Clinton, February 17th, 1998

"We must stop Saddam from ever again jeopardizing the stability and the security of his neighbors with weapons of mass destruction." -- Madeleine Albright, February 1st, 1998

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again as he has ten times since 1983." -- Sandy Berger, Clinton national security advisor, February 18th, 1998

"We urge you, after consulting with Congress and consistent with the US Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions, including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." That from a letter to President Clinton signed by Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, October 9th, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology, which is a threat to countries in the region, and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process." -- Nancy Pelosi, December 16th, 1998

"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies." -- Madeleine Albright, Clinton's secretary of state, November 10th, 1999 ok ok so this one was 1999!

So here we have democrats saying the very thing we were told by Bush. So how can these guys say bush lied? Honestly? Please explain this to me! Unless of course all these guys are lying ... oh waaaaait its Clinton, so thats OK!!!! haha!!
Anyway! Admittedly Clinton’s lies didn't take us to war, unless of course he was lying about the WMDs in Iraq back in 1998! ;)
Now, lets keep in mind, this is a Pre 9/11 United States, lets be honest. 99.9% of Americans really didn't care back then if Saddam had wmds because life was good. However, we have John Kerry and Carl Levin saying “lets launch missiles and drop some bombs baby!!” Well ok, maybe not in those exact words, but still they admit Hussein has WMDs and he needs to be stopped.

Now lets journey on to 2002!
We have been attacked by Terrorists. Thousands of our countrymen and women are dead. Just like Pearl Harbor, it takes a great tragedy to wake up the US, but once we are awakened there is going to be a great out cry and action to destroy whatever enemy has harmed us.
Now we are in a time like this. Our blood is still hot from the great crime that has been committed against us.

Lets see what the Democrats were saying in 2002!

"We begin with a common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandate of the United Nations, is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them." -- Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), September 19th, 2002

"We know that he has stored nuclear supplies, secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." -- Al Gore, September 23rd, 2002

"Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to deter, and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power." -- Al Gore, September 23rd, 2002

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction." -- Ted Kennedy, September 27th, 2002. -- I love this guy btw! ;)

"The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in October of '98. We are confident that Saddam Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons and that he has since embarked on a crash course to build up his chemical and biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear weapons." -- Robert Byrd (D-WV) October 3rd, 2002.
"There was unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years. We also should remember that we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction." -- Senator Jay Rockefeller, October 10th, 2002

"I will be voting to give the president of the US the authority to use force if necessary to disarm Saddam because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." -- Senator John Kerry, October 9th, 2002

Now, how on earth do you make a case in 2005-7 or whenever this argument started that the president of the United States in 2002 lied to you, when you yourself, 3 or 4 years prior to George Bush uttering a single word about this, were saying the EXACT SAME thing yourself?!? Thats not even taking into account the statements made in 2002, the year Bush Lied to us all!
Here we have Carl Levin, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Sandy Berger, Nancy Pelosi -- these are all the card-carrying leaders of the left's anti-war movement today saying "Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction! Intelligence was manipulated! We were tricked!" How do you explain their consistency on this issue three years prior to Bush even assuming office?
These are the people who originated this whole idea, with out them neither of you would be saying right now that Bush lied or tricked us. You may not like the war, you may not like playing police of the world. Well, neither do I, War is a terrible thing! However, we enjoy the freedom and safety we have today, because of war. That does not mean Bush lied, though! He had the same information all these democrats had, and he acted upon the intelligence that he had at the time. Its unreasonable to expect him to have God like omniscience or omnipresence, he acted on the information he had at hand, and we know he had WMDs because remember Sandy’s Quote he had already used them 10 times!!! Now what happened to the ones he had? I dont know. Where they moved? Were they destroyed? I think those are plausible explanations with far greater merit than that of Bush tricked us all! Especially considering the democrat position before they thought they could win a few elections by spreading misinformation. I would love to hear a consistent explanation for the actions of democrats? From my point of view, they really dont care about the truth, they only care about their power, and they will say anything to keep it. I just think its sad that they control so much of our Media today, it really effects the way people think especially those who dont go out and look up stuff for themselves.

Anyway, its almost midnight, and i have to start driving back to Michigan tomorrow (im in Wichita Falls, TX) so i need to hit the sack, but i promise if i have a connection when i stop tomorrow i would LOVE to address the Global Warming question!!

Its fun getting to talk with you guys again!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed reading your letter Tera and although I don't necessarily share your views on religion and such, I do agree in that we need to work and take care of the Earth.

To address the issue, why is someone who believes in Global Warming labeled a worshiper of anything? It's not worship, it's looking at an important issue that holds weight in everyday life. Although I'd much like to keep away from the point of view that the Earth was created for the sole benefit of Man, in this day and age it seems somewhat ignorant to champion Man as the only thing that matters, on Earth or otherwise.

Even if that is the case as some argue, how is it to our benefit to ignore something that in the near future has the power to annihilate life as we know it in large areas across the world.

I don't want to get started on Iraq, but to take your point of view, if the point of the war was to remove WMDs from existance, and you call Hussein a "human WMD," I'm pretty sure you could call Global Warming an "environmental WMD." So where in that then does it make sense to just ignore or feign ignorance to the issue at hand.

Anyways, it's nice to see both of you guys in action Jen and Aaron, it's been far too long.

Plugdo said...

Christopher, Oh I'm around, most of the time I'm just blogging about adult diapers and strange sex toys. You can find the link on my myspace page. I won't give it a shameless plug(do) here.

Jack, regardless of who said what and when, we were attacked on 911, acording to most reports by a country whose name does not rhyme with bypack, but does ryhme with baudi barabia. We were led to believe Iraq was behind the 911 attacks and that they had WMDs they were going to use against us, so we went to war. The problem is we were sold the war on lies and when those lies were questioned and exposed suddenly our reasons for being there changed.

I don't disagree that people have talked about the threat the middle east holds for a very long time. I just don't like a national tradegy was manipulated into a senseless war. C'mon, they can't even find Bin Laden, an ancient man on a dialysis machine hiding in caves. Isn't HE and his organization the real threat?

Ok, I'm done, oh and Jen I loved the letter, good job!

jack Roach said...

Greetings yet again! Well I’m almost home, we made it to Kankakee IL tonight, so only a few hundred more miles to go! hehehe
Anyway, i thought i would give you my final thoughts on al this, including Global warming. I will try not to write a book this time, specially since im getting a late start and I need to get up early again to drive in the morning!
To close the whole deal about Iraq, I can understand, although i dont entirely agree with, the premises by which you feel the war should be ended, Aaron. I dont have a problem with people who want to see an end to the war in Iraq. My problem is the inconsistencies of people (Namely the democratic leadership) who say Bush lied about the reasons for invading Iraq, when they themselves said the same thing when they were in “power.” I just get irritated when I see democrats make blatant contradictory remarks to intentionally mislead the American public, and they are not called on it by any of their buddies in the mainstream media. I would have much more respect for them if they would just admit that it was a bipartisan decision to enter Iraq, whether for good or bad, and stop pretending they were maliciously “tricked” by Bush. Personally, I think its a little rash to believe that Saddam didnt pose a threat to a national security, even given what we know now, considering the facts of his past use of WMD’s; documents found during the invasion proving his ties with Al Qaida; and his past efforts to start a nuclear program. However, thats just personal opinion and we could hash that out until doomsday!!
Speaking of doomsday! Lets talk about Global Warming!!!!!
Oh, BTW I liked the Environmental WMD comment, Christopher, that was great! :)
I could give you my Biblical view on all this, but since that is based entirely on faith, most people will not take it seriously. Not that I care if they don’t take it seriously, but im getting tired and I want to keep this short! LOL.
Let me get right to the point. Unlike what we are being told on TV, Man-made Global Warming is not scientific fact it is so far unproven theory.
How can I say this? Simple. There are many secular scientists that do not agree with the premise that man causes global warming. Why does this matter?
If it were fact, no credible scientist would disagree!
Lets go back to middle school science class ... What defines something as scientific fact? You must be able to observe it and/or reproduce it via experimentation. Things like Gravity, the existence of molecules, etc. these are Scientific Facts. Global warming does not fall into this category! It is a theory based on an extremely small sampling of weather data! Most of the charts that I could find only go back to 1800 or maybe 1700! Come on! We are talking about the earth here, what is 200 years in the history of the earth?!? Even for a creationist thats just a cursor blink in the history of the earth. Ice cores reveal much about the cycle of warming and cooling, and guess what, man wasnt driving cars or flying airplanes when the earth went through these changes! Even the group that proposed this whole idea to the UN (forgive me i cant remember the name of it) is only talking about a 1-3 centigrade rise in temperature over the next 100 yrs! 1-3 degrees will hardly kill us all.
Despite what Al Gore wants us to believe, we do not understand weather. It cannot be predicted! These are people who cant even give us an accurate forecast for next weekend, and they expect me to believe they can predict what earth is going to do over the next 100 years, AND its all my fault because i drive a car??
I heard on the news, last night I believe, some reporter was calling Al Gore the “Environmental Evangelist.” I thought to myself, “how fitting, because it certainly takes a lot of faith to believe what Al is selling.” I might take the whole deal more seriously, if the people, who are trying to shove it down our throats, were actually credible. Dont get me started on the this Carbon Credit scam, oh please, its absolutely and insult to our intelligence!

This is taken from a Global warming education website ...
“Not all the gases in the atmosphere are equally active in keeping Earth warm. In fact, the atmospheres most abundant gas, molecular nitrogen, does very little in this regard, and the same is true for the second most abundant gas, molecular oxygen. The most important ingredient of the air for producing the greenhouse effect is water vapor. However, its abundance depends on the air's temperature. The warmer the air, the more water vapor it can hold. (As air cools, the vapor condenses into rain or snow.) It is carbon dioxide that moves the air toward higher temperature, so that water vapor can take over and warm it some more. Carbon dioxide molecules intercept infrared radiation, warming the air and increasing water vapor through evaporation from the sea surface and from plants and soil moisture. Water vapor then increases the temperature even more. The process is checked by a rise in infrared radiation to space and by formation of clouds. Unfortunately, the role of clouds in the radiation balance is as yet poorly understood. Different types of clouds have different effects, and this makes the calculations complicated and the results uncertain <----- Notice this line!! Its all uncertain, therefore it is still theory!

Solar Variations
One last point to consider when discussing the greenhouse effect is the amount of sunlight coming in to Earth. The quantity of sunlight we receive depends on the size and the brightness of the Sun and the distance between it and the Earth. As far as we know, the size of the Sun does not change much over the time spans we are considering; we can assume it is constant. The suns brightness varies only a little, about one-thousandth over an eleven-year sunspot cycle, but perhaps more over longer time spans. We can take that as constant too, calling the incoming energy flux "the solar constant." One of the contentious issues in the discussions about the global warming of the last 100 years that has not been fully resolved is the question of whether a brighter Sun may have contributed to the recently observed temperature rise.” ok Wow! The Sun MAY have contributed to the temperature rise?!?! Gee ya think? Maybe THAT explains why Nasa has been tracking Global Warming on Mars!?!?!

Cut N Paste right from...

This whole idea is FAR more uncertain than we are being lead to believe! I heard on lady on TV say that anyone who doesn’t believe in Global warming, must still believe in the flat earth!! Their position is so shaky and unfounded, that they have to insult anyone who disagrees with them! LOL Its like arguing with elementary kids!
Ok I have to get going, so i will close with this. The fact is, no one knows anything for sure. (Remember Acid Rain? The Hole in the Ozone?) This is just another chance for big government to get bigger, and us to loose our liberties. All you have to do is look at the political hysteria around this whole issue, and the “scientists” that back up these claims. Most of them i bet you would find out that they get all their funding by furthering the cause of man made global warming. (That is all personal conjecture.) However, there is tons of evidence out there that contradicts Man-made Global warming. Things like Volcanos that in one great belch put out more green-house gases than the entire human race since the invention of the internal combustion engine. Is there a warming trend? Sure! I will not oppose that. Is it due to us? I doubt it for a host of reasons! If you really want to hear more, feel free to E-mail me, I dont want to clutter up Tera’s blog more than I already have!! ;)

Thanks for the opportunity to have fun discussing these issues Tera!
Sorry, i was going to keep it short, but i dont think i succeeded! :(

Plugdo said...

Ahhh, so your hang up is Republican vs Democrat. Gotcha. I can't say I side with either party. At this point there's no difference between the two parties. For the democrats to really be successful someone needs to step up and reclaim the word 'liberal' and make it so it's not this dirty thing anymore that people frown upon. The demo's have their heads so far up their asses, trying to be the 'just-like-the-rebuplicans' alternative to republicans. Someone from that party needs to step up and not be afraid to be different.

My whole arguement isn't about which party did what. I tend not to look first at the (R) or the (D). Either you're doing something I argee with, or you're not, the letter doesn't matter.

Global warming is a whole other topic, and it's far too early in the morning for me to even think about it.