What does this have to do with anything? Well, "squee" is a word often used by the recappers at Television Without Pity, one of the best television sites on the tubes.
I'll give you a practical example from the recap of last night's episode of The Office:
But then the camera car slows way down, and we watch Pam ducking her head over the
What's that, you say? Pam and Jim are together? Well, yes. Teranu, why aren't you more excited about this?, you ask. Aren't you a huge Pam/Jim fan? Don't you want them to end up happily ever after?
Yes, that's the thing. I want them to end up happily ever after. I don't want them to break up, get back together, break up, get back together, etc. for the next 3 seasons. Them getting together now means that something awful is going to have to happen to them, otherwise their relationship will no longer be an interesting part of the show. So, although I did squee when I saw Pam and Jim together, it was a half-hearted squee. Honestly, I was kind of excited to think that perhaps Pam and Jim were just friends for now; and then, after we found out that they were together, I thought it would have been good if Pam and Jim had been able to keep their relationship a secret from everyone--the camera crew, the viewers, and the rest of the office--for at least half of a season. Then, when we did find out that they were actually together, we could have the retroactive happiness of knowing that they'd been together since August.
Other than this development with Pam and Jim, the rest of the episode was great. Dwight killing Angela's cat was hilarious; I'm glad Karen is gone; Kevin cracks me up; and I'd like to see more of Kelly and Ryan--it will be fun to see them each post-break up. Part of why I was excited to think that Pam and Jim weren't quite together was that it would bring the office dynamic closer to the way it was at the beginning of the American series. And things were closer to that dynamic last night than most of last season--the proof was that my husband laughed out loud at least 5 times, after getting irritated with the show and mocking it most of last season.
I'd like to leave you with this thought about Pam and Jim from the recap at Television Without Pity:
Oh, man, I just cannot conceive what kind of horrible apocalypse the writers are cooking up to get these two apart eventually. I mean, if either cheats on the other, the fans are going to be burning TV producers in effigy. Seriously, the only way this ends is with Pam and Jim married, or one of them dead. You read it here first!
Oh, and I'd like to apologize for not posting much recently...School has started, and it turns out that I actually have work that needs to be done. Who would have figured?
1 comment:
I think the American Office has done a very good job at adding more interesting relationships than the original series, while still managing to make Jim and Pam the primary focus.
That said, this is the "Moonlighting" moment. It will be interesting to see if the series can survive now that they are actually together. I honestly can't imagine that the writers would try to pull them apart. They seem too smart for that.
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