Wednesday, September 5, 2007

World's. Best. Video.

I know that I may have posted this as "Video of the Week" at some point in the past, but I really think that it deserves its own post. I've been a fan of this song/video for quite some time, and it's been out long enough for there to be parodies of it (like this one).

Before I say anymore, you need to watch the video for yourself:

Why is this video so great? I'm not sure the video on its own is a classic, but with the song, it definitely is. I think it's primarily for two reasons:

First, the song is awesome. It's catchy, it's singable, and it's funny. My brother actually played it at his wedding reception, and some of his wife's aunts and uncles--who didn't even know the song--thought it was a great song and got up to dance. Now that's a good song.

Second, it references pop culture icons that are slightly nostalgic for those of us who are in our 20s-30s. Transformers. Star Wars. Chuck Norris. It's the same reason that those clip videos of 80s cartoon theme songs are so popular--it's fun to revisit the popular culture that was around when you were younger.

Anyways, watch the video. Learn the song. Share it with your friends. And love it.

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