In Penzance (England), we visited St. Michael's Mount, a castle/monastery built on an island. The island is really close to shore, and you can walk to it when the tide is out. So we did.

Perhaps our favorite part of the trip was our visit to Tintagel (also in England), where we stayed at this tiny youth hostel right on the edge of the cliffs. Kids under 3 weren't allowed to stay there, because they might fall off the edge. Honestly. There were picnic tables, then 2 feet, then cliff. It was awesome.

After we went to England, we spent 6 days with my brother and his wife in Berlin, which was quite different from hiking in the British countryside, but also very cool. One of the things I enjoyed the most was how much variety there was in the city. New buildings were right next to old, different architectural styles were sprinkled throughout the different neighborhoods--and it worked. The city doesn't seem jumbled or a hodge-podge, but instead a living, evolving organism. The Fernsehturm (TV tower) that is in the former East Berlin is one of the architectural icons of the city that I was most impressed by.

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